

Om in die vraag na aggregate te voorsien, voorsien in plaaslike gebiede, die kliënt het SBM as vennoot gekies om 'n kalkklippersaanleg te bou met 'n uitset van 600-700 ton per uur. Nadat dit in werking gestel is, it becomes one of the large limestone crushing projects in local area.

Project Profile

  • Raw Material:Kalksteen
  • Kapasiteit:600-700 t/h
  • Uitset grootte:0-5-10-20-31.5mm
  • Applications:High quality aggregates
  • Major Equipment:PE Kaakbreker, CI5X Impact Crusher, VSI6X Sand Maker, HST Cone Crusher, F5X Feeder


  1. High efficiency. The project is equipped with VSI6X sand maker, compared with traditional sand making equipment, its efficiency is increased by 30% while the wear is reduced by 40%.
  2. Big capacity. The project adopts PE kaakbreker with a deep crushing cavity, which has a larger crushing space and more materials can be crushed per unit time.
  3. High automatic. The whole plant is highly automated, not only stable in operation, low in maintenance cost, but high in quality and good in overall benefits.
  4. Easy to operate. CI5X impact crusher not only adopts unique rotor and cavity to ensure its production efficiency, it is also equipped with a hydraulic adjustment system to facilitate the operation.


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