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CI5X Impact Crusher

To satisfy users’ requirements for high profits, lae koste, en energiebesparing, en om die tekortkominge van konvensionele breektoerusting soos komplekse werkingsprosedures en lae breekdoeltreffendheid te oorkom, SBM has developed the new generation of high-efficiency coarse and medium-fine crushing machine – CI5X Impact Crusher. This impact crusher is the ideal upgrading product of conventional crushing machines.
Produk Funksies: Integration of latest scientific achievements, heavy-duty rotor with big rotary inertia and high precision, higher crushing efficiency
- Invoergrootte: 0-1300mm
- Kapasiteit: 250-2000TPH
- Materiaal: Kalksteen, veldspaat, kalsiet, talk, bariet, dolomiet, kaolin, gips, graphite, ens.
Integrated Application Of Latest Scientific Research Achievements
Based on the analysis of technical details and operating conditions of a good many domestic and foreign impact crushers, CI5X Impact Crushers integrated many latest scientific research achievements, byvoorbeeld, those concerning crushing chamber, rotor and adjusting device. Thus, the crushing operation and maintenance reach higher level.
Higher Crushing Efficiency – Heavy-duty Rotor with Strong Rotary Inertia and High Precision
CI5X Impact Crusher adopts the heavy-duty rotor with strong rotary inertia and high precision. Intussen, it is equipped with high-quality bearings, ensuring the precision and big holding capability of the rotor. Dus, further, materials can be fully crushed. The crushing ratio is bigger.
Multifunctional Hydraulic Operational System Improving Working Efficiency
CI5X Impact Crusher uses multifunctional hydraulic operational system which boasts high adjustment precision and high velocity. Intussen, the replacement and maintenance of hammer and impact blocks and the adjustment of discharging granularity get easier, which further cuts costs on labor and time.
Involute Crushing Chamber Ensuring Shape of Finished Products
The involute crushing chamber of CI5X Impact Crusher is efficient. Materials can be crushed several times inside the chamber. After crushing, finished products have good cubic shape which can better serve as high-quality aggregates.
Gedigitaliseerde verwerking, Hoër presisie
Daar is tientalle lyne van numeriese beheermasjiengereedskap. Bewerkings soos staalplate’ sny, buig, skaafwerk, maal en verfbespuiting word alles numeries beheer. Die bewerking akkuraatheid is hoog, veral vir die kerndele.
Voldoende voorsiening van onderdele, Kommervrye werking
SBM, wie se besighede produksie en verkope dek, neem verantwoordelikheid vir elke masjien wat deur onsself vervaardig word. Ons kan kliënte tegniese dienste oor produkte en oorspronklike onderdele bied om die kommervrye werking te verseker.
CI5X Impact Crusher breaks materials with impact force. When materials enter the working area of hammer, they may be crushed under the high-speed shock and then thrown onto the impact device above the rotor for another crushing. Volgende, materials bounce from the lining plate to the working area of hammer again. This process repeats continuously until materials reach qualified granularity and are discharged. Adjusting the gap between the impact rack and the rotor rack can change the granularity and shape of finished products. Behind the impact plate is a spring safety device. When unbreakable materials enter the crushing chamber, the impact rack goes backwards to discharge unbreakable materials out of the crusher.
Produk Parameters
Model | Rotor spec (mm) | Voer opening (mm) | Maksimum voergrootte (mm) | Kapasiteit(t/h) | Krag(kW) | Algehele dimensie (mm) |
CI5X1110 | 1100×1000 | 1020×820 | 500 | 110-260 | 160-200 | 2626×2106×1945 |
CI5X1213 | 1200×1300 | 1320×880 | 550 | 145-350 | 200-250 | 2809×2529×2091 |
CI5X1315 | 1300×1500 | 1540×930 | 600 | 200-450 | 250-315 | 2819×2535×2412 |
CI5X1520 | 1500×2000 | 2040×995 | 400 | 335-760 | 400-500 | 3390×3520×2790 |
CI5X1524 | 1500×2400 | 2516×767 | 400 | 410-960 | 560-630 | 3434×3955×2821 |
CI5X1630 | 1600×2700 | 2740×787 | 400 | 540-1250 | 710-800 | 3693×4520×3173 |
CI5X1313 | 1300×1300 | 1320×1225 | 800 | 280-520 | 200-250 | 2963×2560×2611 |
CI5X1415 | 1400×1500 | 1540×1320 | 900 | 340-650 | 250-315 | 3325×2804×3068 |
CI5X1620 | 1600×2000 | 2040×1630 | 1100 | 500-1050 | 400-500 | 3899×3692×3598 |
CI5X2023 | 2000×2300 | 2310×1990 | 1300 | 1000-2100 | 1000-1260 | 4890×4330×4765 |
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