CS Spring Cone Crusher

CS Spring Cone Crusher

CS Spring Cone Crusher, researched and developed by SBMa cone crusher manufacturer in China, takes the lamination crushing principle and the concept of crushing more and grinding less. Intussen, CS Cone Crusher integrates high swing frequency, optimized cavity type and rational stroke. Excellent performance makes it popular among customers.

Produk Funksies: Inheritance of classic designs and innovation of technological researches release excellent performances like stability and high efficiency.
  • Invoergrootte: 0-178mm
  • Kapasiteit: 45-1400TPH
  • Materiaal: Graniet, diabaas, basalt, klippie, kalksteen, dolomiet, metaalertse en nie-metaalertse, ens.


Reliable PerformanceClassical Structural Design

The reason why SBM’s CS Spring Cone Crusher is so popular at home and abroad is its reliability under various working conditions. CS Cone Crusher reserves classical structures, which guarantees the reliability of CS Cone Crusher to the greatest extent.

Multiple Cavity Types Suitable for Different Working Conditions

CS Spring Cone Crusher has two types, i.e. standard type and short-head type; each type of CS cone crusher is equipped with multiple cavities, so that all CS cone crushers are suitable for the intermediate crushing and fine crushing of materials of various rigidities. A large number of practical applications show that CS Spring Cone Crusher realizes excellent performance when being used in intermediate crushing operations.

Die beginsel van laminering vergruis bring beter ontladingsgrootte

CS Spring Cone Crusher adopts the principle of lamination crushing. Nie net kan die vergruisdoeltreffendheid verbeter nie, maar ook die skuur van kwesbare dele verminder baie. Die voltooide produkte is kubieke. Intussen, die inhoud van gekwalifiseerde fyn deeltjies is hoog genoeg. Voltooide produkte kan beter dien as hoë kwaliteit aggregate.

Hydraulic Lubrication System Makes Operations Easier

CS Cone Crusher is equipped with the hydraulic lubrication system, through which users can easily complete the adjustment of discharge opening and the cavity cleaning, thus simplifying the daily operations of cone crusher. Daarby, this system adopts electric cooling lubricating oil station, which can realize the automatic control of lubrication station and guarantee the lubrication and cooling during operation of CS Cone Crushers.

Gedigitaliseerde verwerking, Hoër presisie

Daar is tientalle lyne van numeriese beheermasjiengereedskap. Bewerkings soos staalplate’ sny, buig, skaafwerk, maal en verfbespuiting word alles numeries beheer. Die bewerking akkuraatheid is hoog, veral vir die kerndele.

Voldoende voorsiening van onderdele, Kommervrye werking

SBM, wie se besighede produksie en verkope dek, neem verantwoordelikheid vir elke masjien wat deur onsself vervaardig word. Ons kan kliënte tegniese dienste oor produkte en oorspronklike onderdele bied om die kommervrye werking te verseker.


When the CS Spring Cone Crusher works, aangedryf deur die motor, the eccentric sleeve rotates under the combined action of the triangular belt, big belt pulley, transmission shaft, bevel pinion and bevel gear wheel. Toe, under the action of the eccentric sleeve, axis starts to rotate, ook. During which, the crushing wall would be sometimes close to or sometimes away from the rolling wall. This motion forces materials to be shocked, squeezed and broken continuously in the crushing cavity between the crushing wall and the rolling wall. Uiteindelik, materiaal word uit die masjien gegooi wanneer hul fynheid die ontladingsstandaard bereik.

Produk Parameters

Model Movable Cone Diametermm (inch) Chamber Style Opening Side Closed Side Discharging Opening (mm) REV (rpm) Krag (kW) Kapasiteit (t/h) Machine Size (mm)
Max.Feeding (mm)
CS75B 900 (3) fine 83 102 9-22 580 75 45-91 2821×1880 ×2164
coarse 159 175 13-38 59-163
CS75D 900 (3) fine 13 41 3-13 580 75 27-90 2821×1880 ×2410
medium 33 60 3-16 27-100
coarse 51 76 6-19 65-140
CS160B 1295 (4 1/4) fine 109 137 13-31 485 185 109-181 2800×2342 ×2668
medium 188 210 16-31 132-253
coarse 216 241 19-51 172-349
CS160D 1295 (4 1/4) fine 29 64 3-16 485 160 36-163 2800×2342 ×2668
medium 54 89 6-16 82-163
coarse 70 105 10-25 109-227
CS240B 1650 (5 1/2) fine 188 209 16-38 485 240 181-327 3911×2870 ×3771
medium 213 241 22-51 258-417
coarse 241 268 25-64 299-635
CS240D 1650 (5 1/2) fine 35 70 5-13 485 240 90-209 3917×2870 ×3771
medium 54 89 6-19 136-281
coarse 98 133 10-25 190-336
CS400B 2134 (7) fine 253 278 19-38 435 400 381-726 5200×4300 ×4700
medium 303 334 25-51 608-998
coarse 334 369 31-64 870-1400
CS400D 2134 (7) fine 51 105 5-16 435 400 190-408 5200×4300 ×4700
medium 95 133 10-19 354-508
coarse 127 178 13-25 454-599

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