HST Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher

HST Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher

HST Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher is a new high-efficiency cone crusher independently researched, developed and designed by SBM through summarizing over twenty years of experience and widely absorbing advanced American and German technologies about cone crushers. This cone crusher integrates mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, automation and intelligent control technologies, and possesses advanced cone crusher technologies in the world.

Produk Funksies: Bigger capacity, safer and more intelligent, higher efficiency
  • Invoergrootte: 0-370mm
  • Kapasiteit: 45-2130TPH
  • Materiaal: Graniet, diabaas, basalt, klippie, kalksteen, dolomiet, metaalertse en nie-metaalertse, ens.


High Production Efficiency, Strong Holding Capacity

HST Single-cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher achieves higher production efficiency and better product quality by matching suitable crushing cavity, eccentric distance and movement parameters. Combined with optimized strength and high-quality components, HST Hydraulic Cone Crusher has bigger holding capacity and crushing ratio as well as stronger throughput capability.

Fully Automatic Control Covering Whole Production Process

The fully automatic control system equipped on the HST Cone Crusher can provide manual control, constant discharge opening control, constant power control and many other operation modes for users to select. It can continuously monitor the internal actual load of the crusher to optimize the use ratio of the crusher and allow it to play its best performance at all times.

Easier for Maintenance, More Effective for Cost Savings

HST Hydraulic Cone Crusher has a simple structure. Almost all checks and maintenances can be done by only taking down the upper rack. The structure can not only make maintenances and checks get easier, but also save maintenance costs a lot. Buitendien, HST Single-cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher is compact on its structure, occupying small floor area, which further cuts expenditures on the foundation building.

Veelvuldige holtetipes voldoen aan verskillende produksiebehoeftes

HST Hydraulic Cone Crusher has several kinds of standard crushing cavities which can fully meet the secondary, tertiary and even quaternary crushing needs after primary coarse crushing.

Gedigitaliseerde verwerking, Hoër presisie

Daar is tientalle lyne van numeriese beheermasjiengereedskap. Bewerkings soos staalplate’ sny, buig, skaafwerk, maal en verfbespuiting word alles numeries beheer. Die bewerking akkuraatheid is hoog, veral vir die kerndele.

Voldoende voorsiening van onderdele, Kommervrye werking

SBM, wie se besighede produksie en verkope dek, neem verantwoordelikheid vir elke masjien wat deur onsself vervaardig word. Ons kan kliënte tegniese dienste oor produkte en oorspronklike onderdele bied om die kommervrye werking te verseker.


When a HST Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher works, aangedryf deur die motor, die transmissie-as draai onder die werking van bandkatrol en driehoekige band. Volgende, die transmissie-as dryf die eksentrieke huls aan om dit om die as te laat draai. Intussen, die eksentrieke mou dwing die beweegbare keël om slingerbeweging te doen. Hierdie beweging maak die beweegbare keël en vaste keël soms naby aan, soms ver van die rolmuur af. Materiaal word voortdurend geskok, gedruk en vergruis in die verpletterende holte tussen die verpletterende muur en die rolmuur. Uiteindelik, materiaal word uit die masjien gegooi wanneer hul fynheid die ontladingsstandaard bereik.

Produk Parameters

Model Holtes Maksimum voergrootte (mm) Minimum ontladingsgrootte (mm) Kapasiteite (t/h) Maksimum geïnstalleerde krag (kW) Algehele dimensie (mm)
HST100 S1(Ekstra grof) 240 22 85-170 90 1550×1575×2545
S2(Medium Coarse) 200 19 70-130
H1(Goed) 135 10 45-115 1550×1575×1965
H2(Medium Fine) 65 8 35-80
H3(Ekstra fyn) 35 4 27-60
HST160 S1(Ekstra grof) 360 25 120-345 160 1875×1920×3195
S2(Medium Coarse) 300 22 105-305
S3(Grof) 235 19 90-275
H1(Goed) 185 13 66-210 1875×1920×2400
H2(Medium Fine) 90 10 65-165
H3(Ekstra fyn) 50 6 48-105
HST250 S1(Ekstra grof) 450 35 255-605 250 2100×2320×4096
S2(Medium Coarse) 400 29 215-515
S3(Grof) 300 25 190-490
H1(Goed) 215 16 110-395 2100×2320×2780
H2(Medium Fine) 110 13 115-340
H3(Ekstra fyn) 70 8 90-255
HST315 S1(Ekstra grof) 560 41 335-1050 315 2380×2735×4630
S2(Medium Coarse) 500 38 305-895
H1(Goed) 275 16 170-665 2380×2735×3265
H2(Medium Fine) 135 16 190-505
H3(Ekstra fyn) 65 13 205-320
HST450 S1(Ekstra grof) 560 54 500-1300 450 2906×3187×4582
S2(Medium Coarse) 465 51 450-1200
HST560 H1(Goed) 300 22 430-1515 560 3780×2341×4531
H2(Medium Fine) 155 19 380-1375
H3(Ekstra fyn) 80 10 270-775
HST750 H1(Goed) 370 25 460-2130 750 3100×3623×5305
H2(Medium Fine) 195 22 525-1605
H3(Ekstra fyn) 85 10 350-885

Let wel:

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