PEW Jaw Crusher

PEW Jaw Crusher

PEW Jaw Crusher is 'n nuwe breekmasjien wat deur SBM ontwikkel is, die kaakbreker vervaardiger, na die vrystelling van tradisionele kakebeenbreker. Hierdie kakebeenbreker is 'n perfekte kombinasie van moderne wetenskap en tegnologie en die produksiepraktyk, which can better satisfy the automatic production demands of vast customers.

Produk Funksies: Automatic hydraulic design, convenient adjustments, simple operations
  • Invoergrootte: 0-930mm
  • Kapasiteit: 12-650TPH
  • Materiaal: Graniet, marmer, basalt, kalksteen, kwarts, klippie, kopererts, ystererts
Stable Structure, Reliable Performance

SBM uses high-quality steel castings for core load bearing parts of jaw crusher, i.e. moving jaw and bearing block; this technology not only guarantees the perfect fitting and seamless connection of crusher rack, but also enhances the radial strengths of the parts, thus realizing more reliable performance and higher durability of the jaw crusher.

Gedigitaliseerde verwerking, Hoër presisie

Daar is tientalle lyne van numeriese beheermasjiengereedskap. Bewerkings soos staalplate’ sny, buig, skaafwerk, maal en verfbespuiting word alles numeries beheer. Die bewerking akkuraatheid is hoog, veral vir die kerndele.

Hydraulic Control, Convenient Cavity Clearing

PEW Jaw Crusher is equipped with the hydraulic oil station to ensure that the lubrication system supplies oil to the lubrication components, providing security for the safe operation of the machine. At the same time, if the crusher shuts down with load, the hydraulic clearing system can quickly clean the crushing chamber, greatly reducing downtime.

V-type Crushing Chamber, Toothed Guard Board

PEW Jaw Crusher has more reasonableVcrushing chamber and toothed guard board. By them, the actual size of feeding materials can be consistent with ideal size, which can effectively enlarge the crushing space. Buitendien, materials wouldn’t pile in the crushing chamber, so the crushing ratio and capacity can reach the optimal status and the utilization of jaw plates could extend.

Wedge Device, Convenient Adjustments

PEW Jaw Crusher adopts a wedge discharging adjustment device, so that the machine can turn the discharge port to a preset value within minutes even under the idling circumstance. In cooperation with the hydraulic system, automation is available. Compared with the old gasket discharging adjustment device, this device is simpler, safer and quicker.

Voldoende voorsiening van onderdele, Kommervrye werking

SBM, wie se besighede produksie en verkope dek, neem verantwoordelikheid vir elke masjien wat deur onsself vervaardig word. Ons kan kliënte tegniese dienste oor produkte en oorspronklike onderdele bied om die kommervrye werking te verseker.


Eerstens, the motor drives belt and pulley to make the movable jaw move back and forth, up and down around the eccentric shaft. When the movable jaw pushes the movable jaw plate towards the fixed jaw plate, materials get crushed. When movable jaw and plate move backwards under the action of the eccentric shaft and spring, the materials crushed before would be discharged from the port under the jaw plate. As the motor works continuously, the movable jaw can crush or discharge materials periodically, so that volume production can be achieved.

Produk Parameters

Model Voer opening (mm) Maksimum voergrootte (mm) Omvang van ontladingsopening (mm) Kapasiteit (t/h) Spoed (rpm) Krag (kW) Algehele dimensie (mm)
PEW250×1000 250×1000 220 20-40 15-50 330 30 1400×1850×1310
PEW250×1200 250×1200 220 20-40 20-50 330 37 1400×2050×1310
PEW400×600 400×600 350 35-85 15-70 250 37 1920×1460×1840
PEW760 760×1100 640 75-200 150-350 270 110 2600×2500×2200
PEW860 860×1100 720 100-225 200-500 240 132 3300×2320×3120

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