Y Vibrerende skerm

Y Vibrerende skerm

Y Vibrerende skerm, ook bekend as Y Circular Vibrating Screen, word deur SBM nagevors en ontwikkel op grond van die bekendstelling van internasionale klassieke siftingstegnologieë. Dit is 'n gevorderde siftingsinstrument by die huis. Intussen, it is an indispensable classifying device in such fields as ore beneficiation, Samevattende produksie, disposal of building wastes or solid wastes and coal dressing.

Produk Funksies: Inheritance of classic design, simple and reliable vibrating screen
  • Invoergrootte: 0-400mm
  • Kapasiteit: 7.5-700TPH
  • Materiaal: Graniet, marmer, basalt, kalksteen, kwarts, klippie, kopererts, ystererts, coal and so on


Classical Structural Design Having Stable Performance & High Screening Efficiency

Y Circular Vibrating Screen follows classical structural design of screening equipment, and its performance is fully guaranteed. Daarby, SBM strengthens the design of vibration exciter, i.e. the vibration source is more stable, and the exciting force is more powerful.

More Options of Screen Nets Meeting More Production Needs

In order to satisfy various graded operating requirements after the intermediate-coarse crushing and intermediate-fine crushing, SBM equips multiple types of screen nets for Y Vibrating Screen. Users can freely select different numbers of layers and specifications of the screen which can satisfy different production demands through simple screen replacement operation.

V-Belt Transmission Device Making Operation More Stable

Years of practical researches show that V-belt transmission device can effectively avoid the transmission of axial force during the vibrating process and decrease the failure rate. Directly connecting the motor and equipment through floating support and V-belt can effectively reduce the impact on the motor, greatly improving the life expectancy of motor and V-belt.

Larger Capacity, Easier Maintenance

The structure of Y Vibrating Screen boasts small vibration amplitude, high frequency and big dip angle, while grants the screen with higher screening efficiency and bigger capacity. The vibrator uses dilute oil lubrication and its bearing has large clearance, so noises are low yet the service life is long. Spare parts have excellent universality, which makes later maintenance get easier.

Gedigitaliseerde bewerking, Hoër presisie

SBM het dosyne CNC (Rekenaar numeriese beheer) masjien produksie lyne. Van staalplate’ sny, buig, beplanning tot finale skildery, alle stappe kan numeries beheer word. Hoë verwerking akkuraatheid verseker dat sleutelonderdele hoër standaarde het.

Voldoende Onderdeelvoorraad, Sorgelose operasie

SBM, as 'n prominente onderneming wat masjienproduksie en -verkope in mynboumasjinerie-industrie integreer, is toegewyd om verantwoordelik te wees vir elke produk. Intussen, SBM wend altyd alles aan om kliënte omvattende tegniese dienste en voldoende onderdele aan te bied om hulle vry te laat van bekommernisse oor projekbedryf.


A Y Vibrating Screen mainly consists of screen box, screen net, vibrator, damping spring device, chassis and other components. The side plates are made of high-quality steel plates. They are connected with the beam and the exciter base by high-strength bolts or ring groove rivets. The cylinder-type eccentric shaft exciter and the eccentric block are used to adjust the amplitude. The vibrator is installed on a side plate of the screen box. Driven by the motor, the eccentric block of the vibrator would rotate at a high speed under the motivation of triangular belt. High-speed rotation further exerts strong centrifugal inertia force to stimulate the screen box move in a circular motion within specific amplitude. Tydens operasie, materials on the inclined screen surface are subjected to the impulse transmitted from the screen box so that they are put in a continuous throwing motion. When materials fall onto the screen surface, particles smaller than the screen size are sieved out to achieve classification.

Produk Parameters

Model Deck dimension (mm) Decks Leaning angle of screen (°) Top deck max.opening (mm) Maksimum voergrootte (mm) Spoed (rpm) Double amplitude (mm) Kapasiteit (t/h) Krag (kW) Algehele dimensie (mm)
2Y1237 1200×3700 2 20 3-50 200 970 8 7.5-80 15 4010×2250×2660
3Y1237 1200×3700 3 20 3-50 200 970 8 7.5-80 15 4010×2250×3140
2Y1548 1500×4800 2 20 5-50 400 970 8 50-208 15 5120×2590×3060
3Y1548 1500×4800 3 20 5-50 400 970 8 50-250 15 5120×2590×3540
2Y1848 1800×4800 2 20 5-80 400 970 8 50-260 18.5 5120×2950×3060
3Y1848 1800×4800 3 20 5-80 400 970 8 50-300 18.5 5120×2950×3540
2Y1860 1800×6000 2 20 5-80 400 970 8 50-300 18.5 6260×2950×3480
3Y1860 1800×6000 3 20 5-80 400 970 8 50-350 22 6260×2990×3960
2Y2160 2100×6000 2 20 5-150 400 730 6-8 100-500 22 6270×3410×3670
3Y2160 2100×6000 3 20 5-150 400 730 6-8 100-500 30 6270×3470×4100
2Y2460 2400×6000 2 20 5-150 400 730 6-8 150-700 37 6270×3770×3610
3Y2460 2400×6000 3 20 5-150 400 730 6-8 150-700 37 6270×3790×4100

Let wel:

Produkfoto's en parameters oor modelle, data, prestasies en spesifikasies op hierdie webwerf is slegs vir verwysing. Daar is 'n kans dat SBM veranderinge aan bogenoemde inligting kan maak. Vir spesifieke boodskappe, verwys asseblief na die regte voorwerpe en gebruikershandleidings. Sonder spesiale instruksies, SBM behou die reg om alle data betrokke by hierdie webwerf te verduidelik.


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