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مطحنة البندول MRN

According to accumulation and experimental analyses of on-site test data for more than thirty years, SBM, a Chinese grinding mill manufacturer, has researched and developed the fifth-generation pendulous hanging grinding mill – MRN grinding mill. All non-combustible and non-explosive brittle mineral products whose Moh’s hardness are below Grade 7 and water content below 6% could be ground by this grinding mill.
مواصفات المنتج: Lower operational & maintenance costs, excellent environmental protection, better quality of finished products
- حجم الإدخال: 0-55مم
- سعة: 2.7-83TPH
- مادة: حجر الكلس, الكالسيت, الدولوميت, الفحم البترولي, جبس, الباريت, رخام, التلك, مسحوق الفحم, إلخ.
Lower Maintenance Costs – Grinding Roller Adopts Dilute Oil Lubrication
Grinding roller of MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill l adopts diluted oil lubrication. It is a technology initiated domestically which is maintenance-free and easy to operate. Diluted oil lubrication is oil bath lubrication, more convenient than grease lubrication since no frequent oil-adding, and it needs lower maintenance cost.
Higher Grinding Efficiency – No Shovel Blade Cylinder
There is no shovel blade cylinder in the grinding chamber of MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill, so the ventilation area is larger and air-conveying resistance is smaller. بجانب, use of large-diameter grinding roller directly improves the efficiency of the grinding mill.
More Stable Operation – Elastic Volute Damping Structure
Elastic volute damping structure can effectively reduce vibrating damage on the MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill. Between the volute and engine base, special elastic structure is applied, and in combination with setup of rubber shock pad, it could directly avoid influence of vibration of engine base on operating stability of powder concentrator, and completely eradicate the problem of shatter crack of volute and central engine due to vibration of engine base.
Lower Energy Consumption – New Cage-Type Powder Concentrator
Powder concentrator of MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill adopts low-resistance hanging cage-type powder concentrator. The advantages of this powder concentrator lies in its high efficiency and low energy consumption. Processing same kind of materials and requiring same fineness, this powder concentrator needs less electricity but it can bring higher capacity compared to the blade-type powder concentrator.
المعالجة الرقمية, دقة أعلى
هناك عشرات الخطوط من أدوات التحكم العددي. عمليات مثل الصفائح الفولاذية’ قطع, الانحناء, التخطيط, يتم التحكم في الطحن ورش الطلاء عدديًا. دقة المعالجة عالية, خاصة بالنسبة للأجزاء الأساسية.
Sufficient Supply Of Spare Parts, عملية خالية من القلق
SBM, التي تغطي أعمالها الإنتاج والمبيعات, يتحمل المسؤولية عن كل آلة ننتجها بأنفسنا. يمكننا تقديم خدمات فنية للعملاء حول المنتجات وقطع الغيار الأصلية لضمان التشغيل الخالي من القلق.
مبدأ العمل
After hammer crushers (or jaw crushers) break large bulky materials to smaller ones, elevator works to send materials to material hopper. ثم, by electromagnetic vibrating feeder, broken materials are evenly and quantitatively sent to the grinding chamber of MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill. After grinding, materials are blown away by airflow to the powder concentrator for classifying. Under the action of the impeller of powder selector, materials which fail to meet fineness would be sent back to grinding chamber to get another grinding while qualified powders would be collected by cyclone powder collector and discharged from the bottom as finished products. و, after that, the airflow would go into the fan along with the air return duct at the top of cyclone power collector. This system adopts a closed circuit and runs under positive and negative pressure.
معلمات المنتج
نموذج | MRN158 | MRN198 | MRN218 |
الأعلى. Feed Size(مم) | <40 | <45 | <50 |
Final size(مم) | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 |
سعة(ذ) | 7-21 | 12-33 | 15-45 |
المحرك الرئيسي(كيلوواط) | 132 | 220 | 280 |
Fan motor(كيلوواط) | 132 | 250 | 315 |
Powder classifier motor(كيلوواط) | 22 | 37 | 55 |
Model of electromagnetic vibrating feeder | GZ3F | GZ4F | GZ5F |
Power of electromagnetic vibrating feeder(كيلوواط) | 0.45 | 0.65 | 0.65 |
صور المنتج والمعلمات حول النماذج, بيانات, الأداء والمواصفات على هذا الموقع هي للإشارة فقط. هناك فرصة أن تقوم SBM بإجراء تغييرات على المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه. لرسائل محددة, يرجى الرجوع إلى الكائنات الحقيقية وأدلة المستخدم. بدون تعليمات خاصة, تحتفظ SBM بالحق في شرح جميع البيانات المتضمنة في هذا الموقع.