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المطحنة الأوروبية شبه المنحرفة MTW

MTW European Trapezium Grinding Mill is innovatively designed through deep research on grinding mills and development experience. It absorbs the latest European powder grinding technology and concept, and combines the suggestions of 9158 customers on grinding mills. This grinding mill perfectly satisfies the production demands of the customers on 200-33μm (80-425مش) fine powder.
مواصفات المنتج: Lower operational & maintenance costs, excellent environmental protection, better quality of finished products
- حجم الإدخال: 0-50مم
- سعة: 3-50TPH
- مادة: حجر الكلس, الكالسيت, الدولوميت, الفحم البترولي, جبس, الباريت, رخام, التلك, مسحوق الفحم, إلخ.
Excellent Quality of Final Powders, High Production Efficiency
MTW European Trapezium Grinding Mill adopts unique split-type shovel blade. It is cambered. Its use effectively enlarges the working area and further improves the production efficiency. بجانب, MTW European Trapezium Grinding Mill adopts unique pneumatic sealing device, which can effectively eliminate the “coarse powder spilling”, so the quality of final products get controlled well.
Small Occupational Area, Pollution-free Operation
MTW European Trapezium Grinding Mill takes whole transmission by bevel gear. The structure is more compact, occupying smaller floor area. في أثناء, equipped with professional dust remover, SBM’s MTW European Trapezium Grinding Mill boasts excellent effect of dust removal and low concentration of dust emission, friendly to environment protection.
More Wear-resistant Vulnerable Parts, Higher Using Ratio
The grinding rollers and rings made of wear-resistant alloy are developed by SBM and scientific institutes together. Their service life is 1.7-2.5 times longer than traditional rollers and rings made of high manganese steel. Part of vulnerable spare parts adopt split structure which is helpful to save more expenditures on vulnerable parts.
Lower Energy Consumption – Cambered Air Duct
MTWEuropean Trapezium Grinding Mill uses the cambered air duct with low resistance. By this, air flow enters the grinding mill tangentially. Compared with traditional straight air ducts, the inlet of this air duct is smooth with little resistance and the outlet is easy for the dispersing of materials which can avoid material piling, effectively reducing energy consumption of the system.
المعالجة الرقمية, دقة أعلى
هناك عشرات الخطوط من أدوات التحكم العددي. عمليات مثل الصفائح الفولاذية’ قطع, الانحناء, التخطيط, يتم التحكم في الطحن ورش الطلاء عدديًا. دقة المعالجة عالية, خاصة بالنسبة للأجزاء الأساسية.
توريد قطع غيار كافية, عملية خالية من القلق
SBM, التي تغطي أعمالها الإنتاج والمبيعات, يتحمل المسؤولية عن كل آلة ننتجها بأنفسنا. يمكننا تقديم خدمات فنية للعملاء حول المنتجات وقطع الغيار الأصلية لضمان التشغيل الخالي من القلق.
مبدأ العمل
After jaw crushers break large bulky materials to smaller ones, elevators work to send materials to the hopper. ثم, by electromagnetic vibrating feeders, broken materials are evenly and quantitatively sent to the grinding chamber of MTW European Grinding Mill. After grinding, materials are blown away by airflow to the powder concentrator for classifying. Under the action of the impeller of powder selector, materials which fail to meet fineness would be sent back to grinding chamber to get another grinding while qualified powders would be collected by cyclone powder collector and discharged from the bottom as finished products. و, after that, the airflow would go into the fan along with the air return duct at the top of cyclone power collector. This system adopts a closed circuit and runs under positive and negative pressure. Because materials have a certain content of moisture, heat generated during grinding may lead air evaporation or swell in the grinding chamber so that the amount of airflow increases sharply. بجانب, if the feed port and joints of pipelines are not sealed well, external air may intrude the grinding mill and lead imbalance of airflow. لذا, SBM arranges exhaust valves at the air outlet of the fan to induce redundant air into the bag filter. After purifying, the redundant air is discharged. This arrangement can achieve both the balance of airflow and the eco-friendly production.
معلمات المنتج
نموذج | MTW110 | MTW110Z | MTW138Z | MTW175G | MTW215G | MRN158 | MRN198 | MRN218 |
الأعلى. Feed Size(مم) | <30 | <30 | <35 | <40 | <50 | <40 | <45 | <50 |
Final size(مم) | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 | 1.6-0.045, fineness can reach to 0.038 |
سعة(ذ) | 3-9 | 3-10 | 6-17 | 9.5-25 | 15-45 | 7-21 | 12-33 | 15-45 |
المحرك الرئيسي(كيلوواط) | 55 | 55 | 90 | 160 | 280 | 132 | 220 | 280 |
Fan motor(كيلوواط) | 55 | 55 | 110 | 200 | 315 | 132 | 250 | 315 |
Powder classifier motor(كيلوواط) | 7.5 | 11 | 18.5 | 22 | 55 | 22 | 37 | 55 |
Model of electromagnetic vibrating feeder | GZ2F | GZ2F | GZ3F | GZ4F | GZ5F | GZ3F | GZ4F | GZ5F |
Power of electromagnetic vibrating feeder(كيلوواط) | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.2 | 0.45 | 0.65 | 0.45 | 0.65 | 0.65 |
صور المنتج والمعلمات حول النماذج, بيانات, الأداء والمواصفات على هذا الموقع هي للإشارة فقط. هناك فرصة أن تقوم SBM بإجراء تغييرات على المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه. لرسائل محددة, يرجى الرجوع إلى الكائنات الحقيقية وأدلة المستخدم. بدون تعليمات خاصة, تحتفظ SBM بالحق في شرح جميع البيانات المتضمنة في هذا الموقع.