Alimentador vibratorio F5X

Alimentador vibratorio F5X

El alimentador vibratorio F5X está diseñado para condiciones de operación muy pesadas. Tiene 4,5G de fuerte intensidad de vibración y una estructura del cuerpo del conducto extremadamente firme.. Con capacidad de 1600TPH, 1.5m tamaño máximo de partículas de alimentación y capacidad estándar del contenedor de 25 ~ 45 m³, it is able to bear 80 m³ compartment pressure, which adapts to heavy compartment pressure, high load and heavy impact and other similar poor conditions during the primary feeding operation.

Características del producto: Super-heavy design and 4.5G of strong vibration intensity release better performances.
  • Tamaño de entrada: 0-1500milímetro
  • Capacidad: 500-1600HTP
  • Material: Granito, mármol, basalto, caliza, cuarzo, Guijarro, mina de cobre, mineral de hierro y así sucesivamente


Super-Heavy Chute Body Able to Hold High Pressure and Strong Shocks

Different from the light chute of traditional feeders which use 16# o 20# joist steel and box iron as the longitudinal beam, the super-heavy chute F5X Vibrating Feeder adopts large rectangular tube, able to hold high cabin pressure and strong shocks from falling materials and able to feed materials continuously.

Strong Vibration Intensity, Large Operation Capacity

Vibration intensity G-force is the key index to measure vibration machine’s performance. The stronger it is, the larger operation capacity is. F5X Vibrating Feeder benchmarks international leading technologies and adopts advanced design philosophy and manufacturing technique. The vibration intensity is up to 4.5G, which is 30% larger than traditional devices. In the same specification, it has more operation capacity.

Efficient, Reliable & Convenient FV Super Vibrator

To satisfy higher performance and heavy load, repeated start-stop, frequency change and other poor conditions, F5X Vibrating Feeder is equipped with FV super vibrator just like a heart, which achieves reliable operation, convenient maintenance, interchange of components and high degree of commonality. The lubricating maintenance period is up to 1500 horas.

Reasonable Arrangement of Rods, Efficient Pre-screening Function

The rods are made of NM wear-resistant steel material which has long life expectancy and high screening efficiency. The installation is quite easy, también. The ladder structure formed by two sets of rods can screen out part of fine materials, so the load of primary crusher is reduced greatly.

Mecanizado Digitalizado, Mayor precisión

SBM tiene docenas de CNC (Control numérico computarizado) líneas de producción de máquinas. De placas de acero’ corte, doblando, desde la planificación hasta la pintura final, todos los pasos se pueden controlar numéricamente. La alta precisión de procesamiento asegura que las piezas clave tengan estándares más altos.

Suministro suficiente de piezas de repuesto, Operación sin preocupaciones

SBM, como una empresa destacada que integra la producción y venta de máquinas en la industria de maquinaria minera, se dedica a ser responsable de cada producto. Mientras tanto, SBM siempre hace todo lo posible para ofrecer a los clientes servicios técnicos integrales y repuestos suficientes para que no tengan preocupaciones sobre la operación del proyecto..

Principio de funcionamiento

F5X Vibrating Feeder uses a motor to drive the eccentric shaft inside the vibrator. The shaft is connected by gears with another shaft juxtaposed to each other. When these two shafts rotate, there is the exciting force. The shaft is arranged in such a way that the resulting stroke slowly pushes materials from the feed end to the discharge end. Al mismo tiempo, materials are sieved to make the particles more uniform. Typically, a bar screen is equipped at the discharge end of the F5X Vibrating Feeder. Through it, materials whose sizes are smaller than the spacing between two bars are screened out and the larger-sized materials are conveyed into the crusher.

Parametros del producto

Modelo Size of funnel (milímetro) Grizzly length (milímetro) Inclination (°) Velocidad (rpm) Double amplitude (milímetro) Tamaño máximo de alimentación (milímetro) Capacidad (t/h) Fuerza (kilovatios) Dimensión global (milímetro)
F5X1045(M) 1000×4500 1×1200 5(0-10) 1000(500-1000) 8.5 700 400 15 4475×1660×1485
F5X1345(M) 1300×4500 1×1200 900 600 22 4475×1960×1485
F5X1360(S) 1300×6000 2×1200 900 600 30 6195×1960×1680
F5X1645(M) 1600×4500 1×1200 1200 1000 22 4475×2260×1485
F5X1660(S) 1600×6000 2×1200 1200 1000 30 6195×2260×1680
F5X2060 2000×6000 2×1200 5(0-15) 1000(500-1000) 8.5 1500 2400 45 6195×2660×1680
F5X1354G 1300×5000 4×900 5(0-10) 1000(500-1000) 8 900 500 22 4998×2601×2571
F5X1654G 1600×5000 4×900 5(0-10) 1000(500-1000) 8 1200 800 30 4998×2931×2571
F5X2054G 2000×5000 4×900 5(0-10) 1000(500-1000) 8 1500 1200 45 4998×3481×2625


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