Usine de concassage de galets

Usine de concassage de galets

Le projet d'usine de concassage de galets est situé au Xinjiang, Chine. C'est le premier projet local à fabriquer du mortier sec.. Avec l'expansion continue du marché des granulats, the client decided to invest an aggregates crushing plant because of the abundant river pebble resources in local area.

Project Profile

  • Raw Material:Pebble
  • Capacité:60-80 e
  • Taille de sortie:≤3mm
  • Finished product:Manufactured sand
  • Applications:Used for making dry mortar
  • Major Equipment:VSI5X Sand Maker, Crible vibrant S5X, XF Powder Separator


  1. Haute performance. The customer has a hammer mill before, but its effect was very poor. D'autre part, they have high requirements on equipment and finished products. For this, we equipped a new type of SBM’s VSI5X impact sand making machine, which not only has higher sand making efficiency, faible consommation d'énergie, stable operation, but its finished products is also good.
  2. Good quality of finished products. The project adopts dry-making technology, which can ensure finished product has low moisture content (generally not higher than 2%) and controllable stone powder content. En outre, aggregates made by this finished product have relatively high strength.
  3. High social benefits. This is the first project used for making dry mortar in local area. The geographical location and the market are very good, which not only has higher environmental benefits, but can also realize the comprehensive development of local ore resources and help regional economic development.
  4. EPC turnkey service. We have established an office in local area, so we can actively track the progress of the project, reduce the impact of unfavorable factors from all parties, and promote the smooth implementation of the plant. Now the effect of the project is very good, and all experimental data meet the standards.

Table des matières

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