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6 Jenis Jual Jaw Crusher Keluaran Kecil Panas Untuk Dijual

6 Jenis Jual Jaw Crusher Keluaran Kecil Panas Untuk Dijual: 1. PE500×750; 2. PE600×900; 3. PEW250×1000; 4. PEW250×1200; 5. PEW400×600; 6. C6X80. Small output jaw crushers are designed to crush smaller materials and are typically used in smaller mining or construction projects. They are also commonly used in sample preparation in laboratories. As the name suggests, these crushers have a very small output, usually anywhere from a few hundred pounds to tens of tons per hour.

The following is the display of the machines and success stories of 6 Jenis Jual Jaw Crusher Keluaran Kecil Panas Untuk Dijual:


Penghancur Rahang PE

1. PE500×750 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)500×750
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)425
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)50-100
Kapasitas (th)45-100
Kecepatan (rpm)275
Kekuatan (kW)55
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)1890×1916×1870

Mali 50TPH Hill Stone Crushing Plant

Maximum feed425mm
Moh’s hardness3-4
Output size50T/Hour
Working hours10 Hours/Day
ApplicationConstruction aggregate
Final dimension0-6mm,6-10(6-14)mm,10-14(14-25)mm
Equipment configurationLC Hopper,ZSW Series Vibrating Feeder, PE500×750 Jaw Crusher,PF Series Impact Crusher, VSI Series Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher, Layar bergetar

2. PE600×900 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)600×900
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)500
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)65-160
Kapasitas (th)90-180
Kecepatan (rpm)250
Kekuatan (kW)55-75
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)2520×1840×2303

Malaysia Gold Ore Crushing Plant

Daily operation10 jam
Feeding sizebelow 400mm
Output size0-16mm
Equipment configurationPE600×900 jaw crusher, CSB160 spring cone crusher, CSD160 cone crusher, 2YA1860 vibrating screen

I visited the SBM display booth at Bauma Fair and discovered that the company’s brand influence is actually quite strong, with many successful cases. I bought from SBM a 2YA1860 vibrating screen, a CSB160 spring cone crusher, a CSD160 cone crusher, and a PE600*900 jaw crusher. The machinery is functioning effectively and producing the desired results. Also, I am looking forward to our continued partnership with SBM.

Principal of A Malaysian Mining Company


PEW Jaw Crusher

3. PEW250×1000 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)250×1000
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)220
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)20-40
Kapasitas (th)15-50
Kecepatan (rpm)330
Kekuatan (kW)30
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)1400×1850×1310

Zambia 50TPH Limestone Crushing Plant

Time Starting ProductionSeptember 2012
BahanBatu gamping
Max. Ukuran Masukan350mm
Moh’s Hardness3-4
Daily Operation10 Hours/Day
ApplicationBrick production
Equipment configurationFeeder, PEW250×1000 Jaw Crusher, VSI Series Impact Crusher (Pembuat Pasir), Layar bergetar

4. PEW250×1200 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)250×1200
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)220
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)20-40
Kapasitas (th)20-50
Kecepatan (rpm)330
Kekuatan (kW)37
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)1400×2050×1310

Somalia 50TPH Shore Reef Crushing Plant

Time Starting ProductionFebruari, 2013
BahanShore reef
Max. Ukuran Masukan425mm
Moh’s Hardness3-4
Ukuran keluaran0-5mm, 5-10mm, 10-20mm
Equipment configurationLC Hopper, Vibrating Feeder, Penghancur Rahang PE, PEW250×1200 Jaw Crusher, Layar bergetar, Belt Conveyors

5. PEW400×600 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)400×600
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)350
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)35-85
Kapasitas (th)15-70
Kecepatan (rpm)250
Kekuatan (kW)37
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)1920×1460×1840


C6X80 Jaw Crusher

6. C6X80 Jaw Crusher

Pembukaan umpan (mm)520×800
Ukuran makan maksimum (mm)420
Rentang pembukaan debit (mm)60-150
Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)2650×1540×1780


Gambar produk dan parameter tentang model, data, performa dan spesifikasi di situs web ini hanya untuk referensi. Ada kemungkinan SBM dapat melakukan perubahan atas informasi tersebut di atas. Untuk pesan tertentu, silakan merujuk ke objek nyata dan manual pengguna. Tanpa instruksi khusus, SBM berhak untuk menjelaskan semua data yang terlibat dalam website ini.

Kesimpulannya, finding a hot-selling small output jaw crusher for sale requires some research and due diligence. By considering your needs, budget, and the reputation of different models, you can find a machine that meets your requirements and delivers reliable performance.

Kantor Pusat

ada apa:+8615225176731

Surel: [email protected]

Alamat: TIDAK. 1688, Jalan Timur Gaoke, Kabupaten baru Pudong, Shanghai, Cina.

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