PF Impact Crusher

PF Impact Crusher

PF Impact Crusher uses impact energy to crush the materials. The rotor rotates at a high speed under the driving force of motor. The materials entering from the inlet impacts the plate hammer on the rotor and would be crushed under the high-speed impact of the plate hammer. The crushed materials would be thrown back to the liner plate for crushing again. Akhirnya, the materials are discharged from the outlet of PF Impact Crusher.

Fitur Produk: Integration of latest scientific achievements, heavy-duty rotor with big rotary inertia and high precision, higher crushing efficiency
  • Ukuran Masukan: 0-500mm
  • Kapasitas: 50-220TPH
  • Bahan: Batu gamping, feldspar, kalsit, talek, barit, dolomit, kaolin, gips, grafit, dll..
Wear-Resistant Plate Hammer Has Longer Service Life

The plate hammer of PF Impact Crusher is made from high chrome material and wear-resistant material through composite process, and undergoes strict heat treatment, so that the impact crusher possesses good mechanical shock resistance and thermal shock resistance.

Semi-Automatic Safety Design Reducing Risks of Overload and Shortening Downtime

PF Impact Crusher is equipped with self-weight safety device on the rear upper rack. After unbreakable materials (e.g. iron block) enter the crushing cavity, they can be discharged automatically, avoiding risks of overload and losses caused by downtime.

Top Mechanical Adjustment Device Can Freely Control Discharging Sizes

For different market requirements at different stages, SBM set a mechanical adjustment device at the top of PF Impact Crusher, and users can adjust the spacing between the impact rack and rotor through twisting the bolt of this device, so as to realize the adjustment of size of the discharged material.

Ratchet Wheel Flapping Device Makes Replacement of Spare Parts More Convenient

PF Impact Crusher is equipped with two identical sets of ratchet wheel flapping devices on both sides of the rack, which is composed of high-strength left and right spiral trapezoidal screw and ratchet wheel reversing mechanism. When the impact crusher needs to be stopped for parts replacement and other maintenance and checks, users can easily and stably open and close the rear upper cover of the impact crusher through this device.

Pemrosesan Digital, Presisi Lebih Tinggi

Ada puluhan baris alat mesin pengontrol numerik. Operasi seperti pelat baja’ pemotongan, pembengkokan, perencanaan, penggilingan dan penyemprotan cat semuanya dikontrol secara numerik. Presisi pemesinan tinggi, terutama untuk bagian inti.

Pasokan Suku Cadang yang Cukup, Operasi Tanpa Khawatir

SBM, yang usahanya meliputi produksi dan penjualan, bertanggung jawab atas setiap mesin yang diproduksi oleh diri kita sendiri. Kami dapat menawarkan pelanggan layanan teknis tentang produk dan suku cadang asli untuk memastikan pengoperasian tanpa rasa khawatir.

Prinsip bekerja

PF Impact Crusher breaks materials with impact force. When working, driven by a motor, the rotor rotates at a high speed. Saat material memasuki area kerja palu, they are crushed under the high-speed shock. Then broken materials are thrown onto the lining plate for another crushing. Akhirnya, qualified materials are discharged from the opening. Adjusting the gap between the impact rack and rotor rack can change the granularity and shape of finished products.

Parameter Produk

Model Spesifikasi rotor (mm) Pembukaan umpan (mm) Ukuran makan maksimum (mm) Kapasitas (th) Kekuatan (kW) Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)
PF1010 Φ1000×1050 400×1080 350 50-80 75 2455×2086×2800
PF1210 Φ1250×1050 400×1080 350 60-120 110 2590×2050×2810
PF1214 Φ1250×1400 400×1430 350 80-160 132 2590×2400×2810
PF1315 Φ1300×1500 860×1520 350 120-260 200 2930×2760×3050


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