Penghancur Dampak PFW

Penghancur Dampak PFW

Penghancur Dampak PFW (Also known asEuropean Impact Crusher”) is mainly used in metallurgy, mine, cement, chemical engineering, fire resistant materials, ceramics and other industries, as well as in the expressway construction, water conservancy projects, aggregate and machine-made sand fields, dll..

Fitur Produk: The use of automated hydraulic jacking device makes checks and maintenance easier and reduces labor costs.
  • Ukuran Masukan: 0-700mm
  • Kapasitas: 70-400TPH
  • Bahan: Batu gamping, feldspar, calcite, talc, barite, dolomit, kaolin, gypsum, graphite, dll..
Top Technology, Unique Design

PFW Impact Crusher adopts world-class production technologies. It is made up of high-end materials. The design of heavy-duty rotor and strict checks allow the rotor to have high quality. Meanwhile, the unique fixed device makes the hammer more reliable.

Cast Steel Structure, High Holding Capacity

PFW Impact Crusher’s bearing seat uses integral cast steel structure, which ensures stable operation. Larger bearings boast higher holding capacity.

Semi-automatic Operation Makes Maintenance Easy and Convenient

PFW Impact Crusher can equip the hydraulic control system. By the hydraulic device, the size of discharge opening and the discharging granularity can get controlled quickly. Di samping itu, the automatic hydraulic jacking device is helpful for quick replacement of vulnerable parts like the hammer so that the downtime for maintenance can be shortened indirectly.

Simplified Technological Process, Wide Applications

The two-cavity crushing of PFW Impact Crusher can simplify the technological process of coarse and medium-coarse crushing while the three-cavity crushing makes PFW Impact Crusher perform exceptionally well in fine and superfine crushing. Two kinds of crushing cavities can meet the vast majority of coarse, medium and fine crushing operations.

Pemrosesan Digital, Presisi Lebih Tinggi

Ada puluhan baris alat mesin pengontrol numerik. Operasi seperti pelat baja’ pemotongan, pembengkokan, perencanaan, penggilingan dan penyemprotan cat semuanya dikontrol secara numerik. Presisi pemesinan tinggi, terutama untuk bagian inti.

Pasokan Suku Cadang yang Cukup, Operasi Tanpa Khawatir

SBM, yang usahanya meliputi produksi dan penjualan, bertanggung jawab atas setiap mesin yang diproduksi oleh diri kita sendiri. Kami dapat menawarkan pelanggan layanan teknis tentang produk dan suku cadang asli untuk memastikan pengoperasian tanpa rasa khawatir.

Prinsip bekerja

PFW Impact Crusher breaks materials with impact force. When materials enter the working area of hammer, they may be crushed under the high-speed shock and then thrown onto the impact device above the rotor for another crushing. Berikutnya, materials bounce from the lining plate to the working area of hammer again. This process repeats continuously until materials reach qualified granularity and are discharged. Adjusting the gap between the impact rack and the rotor rack can change the granularity and shape of finished products. Behind the impact plate is a spring safety device. When unbreakable materials enter the crushing chamber, the impact rack goes backwards to discharge unbreakable materials out of the crusher.

Parameter Produk

Model Rotor spec (mm) Pembukaan umpan (mm) Ukuran makan maksimum (mm) Kapasitas(th) Kekuatan(kW) Dimensi keseluruhan (mm)
PFW1214Ⅲ Ф1150×1400 570×1430 250 90-170 132 2550×2310×2100
PFW1315Ⅲ Ф1300×1500 625×1530 300 180-270 200 2960×2570×2380
PFW1415Ⅲ Ф1400×1500 800×1530 350 280-350 250-315 3120×2650×2660


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