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Тогтмол эрүүгийн бутлуурын бутлуурын хувьд дуу чимээний стратеги: Үр ашиг, аюулгүй байдлыг сайжруулах
Тогтмол эрүүний бутлуур нь уул уурхайн болон агрегат үйлдвэрлэлд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай, (Дуу чимээ буурах шалтгаан) Гэхдээ тэдний үйл ажиллагааны дуу чимээ нь аюулгүй түвшингээс давж чадна, Ажилчдын эрүүл мэнд, зохицуулалтын дагаж мөрдөх. This article explores actionable strategies to reduce noise in fixed jaw crushers, supported by global case studies and technical insights.
Understanding Noise Sources in Fixed Jaw Crushers
Jaw crushers generate noise through multiple mechanisms:
- Mechanical Impact: Crushing hard materials like granite or basalt creates high-frequency vibrations and impact noise.
- Friction and Wear: Moving parts, such as toggle plates and eccentric shafts, produce grinding sounds as components degrade.
- Resonance: Structural vibrations from unbalanced flywheels or poorly aligned components amplify noise.
Жишээлбэл, a Canadian mining company reported noise levels exceeding 110 dB(Аг) during limestone processing, primarily due to worn toggle plates and insufficient damping systems.

Proven Noise Reduction Techniques
1. Acoustic Enclosures and Damping Materials
Installingsoundproof enclosures around crushers can reduce noise by up to 20 dB(Аг). In Sweden, a quarry operator combined steel-framed enclosures with mineral wool insulation to achieve a 15% reduction in ambient noise.
- Embedded Acoustic Black Holes (ABHs): Research from Australia highlights ABHs—flexible plates with tapered thickness—as effective vibration dampers, cutting high-frequency noise by 30% in lab tests.
2. Design and Component Optimization
- Replace Flat Plates with Corrugated Jaws: Corrugated jaw surfaces (common in Blake crushers) minimize material slippage, reducing repetitive impact noise.
- Anti-Vibration Mounts: A German engineering firm reduced resonance noise by 25% using rubber-isolated mounts for eccentric shafts.
3. Maintenance-Driven Noise Control
- Regular Lubrication: Proper greasing of toggle plates and bearings reduces friction-related noise.
- Wear Part Replacement: Timely replacement of worn jaw plates (Жишээ нь e., switching from manganese steel to composite alloys) prevents uneven crushing and noise spikes.

Case Study: Noise Mitigation in a U.S. Granite Processing Plant
A Texas-based facility reduced crusher noise from 105 dB(Аг) руу 88 dB(Аг) by:
- Installingpolyurethane-lined chutes to dampen material impact.
- Upgrading to aC6X series jaw crusher with optimized flywheel balance.
- Implementingpredictive maintenance using vibration analysis tools to detect misalignments early.
Linking Noise Reduction to Broader Operational Goals
- Эрчим хүчний зардал: Modern crushers like theПантийн цуврал prioritize low-noise designs while cutting energy use by 15–30%.
- Cost Comparison: Whilenew C6X crushers may have higher upfront costs, their noise-reducing features lower long-term compliance penalties compared to older models.

Internal Linking Opportunities
- Learn how proper installation affects noise levels: How to Install a Jaw Crusher for Optimal Performance.
- Explore vibration analysis tools: Jaw Crusher Vibration Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide.
- Compare models: PE Series vs C6X Series Jaw Crusher: Price and Performance Breakdown.
Noise reduction in fixed jaw crushers is achievable through a mix of engineering upgrades, acoustic treatments, and proactive maintenance. By adopting strategies like ABH technology and optimized component designs, operators can enhance workplace safety, meet regulatory standards, and improve equipment longevity. For tailored solutions, consider consulting with acoustic engineers or exploring advanced crusher models like the C6X series.
Further Reading:
Төв оффис
Имэйл: [email protected]
Хаяг: Үгүй. 1688, Гаоке зүүн зам, Пудонг шинэ дүүрэг, Шанхай, Хятад.
Вэб сайт: https://www.mill-sbm.com/
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