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VSI Crusher
БҮГД (Vertical Shaft Impact) бутлуур, also known as a sand making machine, is a popular crushing equipment used in the field of artificial sand production. It is widely used for its ability to produce high-quality aggregates for construction purposes. VSI crushers are available in various types, each designed for specific applications. Common types include the open rotor, enclosed rotor, rock-on-rock, and rock-on-iron crushers. The choice of crusher type depends on factors such as the desired product shape, size, and abrasiveness of the feed material.
Types of VSI Crushers
There are three main types of SBM VSI crushers: БҮГД, VSI5X, VSI6X. VSI Vertical-shaft Sand Maker is commonly known as the impact crusher or aggregate shaper. VSI Sand Maker is the fourth generation of high-performance sand-making machine developed by SBM on the basis of introducing advanced German technologies about sand makers and analyzing domestic situations of mining industry.

SBM develops and investigates a new generation of sand-making machine—VSI5X элс үйлдвэрлэгч—on the basis of introducing German technology on sand-making equipment and improving the VSI Sand Maker. The VSI5X sand producing machine incorporates three different crushing modes and has various separate property rights. As of right now, the VSI5X sand maker is the industry standard piece of machinery.

SBM further optimizes the structure and function of traditional vertical-shaft impact crushers in response to the growing market demand for scale, эрчимжүүлэх, эрчим хүчний хэмнэлт, environmental protection, and high-quality machine-made sand. Үр дүнд нь, SBM introduces the VSI6X элс хийх машин, a new generation of sand-making and reshaping equipment with high efficiency and low costs.

Output and Size
VSI crushers have a high production capacity and can generate a significant amount of fine and coarse aggregates. The output of a VSI crusher is typically measured in tons per hour (TPH) and can vary depending on the feed material and crusher configuration. The size of the final product can also be adjusted by changing the crusher’s settings.
Ажлын зарчим
The working principle of a VSI crusher involves the use of centrifugal force to accelerate the feed material and throw it against stationary anvils or a rock-lined crushing chamber. This impact causes the material to break and shape into desired sizes. The energy efficiency of VSI crushers is attributed to the high-speed rotor, which ensures effective crushing action.
Vulnerable Parts
Like any mechanical equipment, VSI crushers have vulnerable parts that require regular inspection and maintenance. The most common vulnerable parts include the rotor tips, distributor plates, and wear plates. These parts may wear out over time due to the high-speed impact and abrasion during the crushing process.
Purchase Cost
The purchase cost of a VSI crusher can vary depending on factors such as the brand, загвар, and additional features. Ерөнхийдөө, VSI crushers are available at different price points to accommodate various budgets. It is recommended to compare prices and specifications from different suppliers to make an informed purchasing decision.
Maintenance Cost
In addition to the initial purchase cost, it is essential to consider the long-term maintenance cost of a VSI crusher. The maintenance cost includes expenses related to regular inspections, replacement of vulnerable parts, lubrication, and general upkeep. Proper maintenance can help extend the lifespan of the crusher and optimize its performance.
Maintenance Methods
To ensure the smooth operation and longevity of a VSI Элс хийх машин, regular maintenance is crucial.
- Regularly inspecting vulnerable parts for wear and tear and replacing them when necessary.
- Keeping the crusher well-lubricated to reduce friction and prevent excessive heat buildup.
- Cleaning the crusher regularly to remove any buildup of dust and debris.
- Monitoring the crusher’s performance and adjusting the settings as needed to optimize production and minimize wear.

Applications of VSI crushers
- Production of high-quality artificial sand for concrete and asphalt production.
- Manufacture of crushed stone for road construction and infrastructure projects.
- Creation of fine aggregates for plastering and rendering in the construction industry.
- Shaping and refining aggregates for use in the production of precast concrete elements.
- Recycling and reusing construction and demolition waste materials.
Төв оффис
Имэйл: [email protected]
Хаяг: Үгүй. 1688, Гаоке зүүн зам, Пудонг шинэ дүүрэг, Шанхай, Хятад.
Вэб сайт: https://www.mill-sbm.com/
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