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What Does Crushed Stone Size Chart Typically Include?
Crushed stone size chart typically includes information about the various sizes of crushed stone particles. The crushed stone size chart provides a reference guide for the range of sizes available and their corresponding applications.

Crushed Stone Size Chart
Types | Size (inches) | Applications |
Crushed Stones #1 | 2 руу 4 | 1. Landscaping; 2. Large jobs; 3. Lining drainage ditches; 4. Sub-base for roads and driveways. |
Crushed Stones #2 | 1/2 руу 2-2/2 | 1. Landscaping; 2. Septic tank filter system; 3. Systems for managing stormwater; 4. Sub-base for roads and patios; |
Crushed Stones #3 | ½ to 2 | 1. Base for septic systems; 2. Dry wells; 3. Driveways and walkways bases; 4. Drainage systems; 5. Railroads and roads. |
Crushed Stones #5 | One or less | 1. RV pad; 2. Window well; 3. Shed base; 4. Drainage around house; 5. Crawl space; 6. Garden path; 7. Retaining walls; 8. Landscaping; 9. Driveway; 10. Under deck. |
Crushed Stones #8 | 3/8 to ½ | 1. Landscaping; 2. Driveway; 3. Retaining walls; 4. Make concrete; 5. Under deck; 6. Garden path; 7. Crawl space; 8. Shed base; 9. Drainage around house; 10. Window well; 11. Horse stalls; 12. RV pad. |
Crushed Stones #10 | 1/8 or smaller | 1. Paver base; 2. Pole barn; 3. Patio; 4. Basic material for making concrete slabs and concrete blocks. |
Crushed Stones #57 | About ¾ | 1. Landscaping; 2. Shed base; 3. Crawl space; 4. Horse stalls; 5. Driveway; 6. Retaining walls; 7. Garden path; 8. Make concrete; 9. Under concrete slab; 10. Drainage around house; 11. RV pad. |
Crushed Stones #67 | less than ¾ | 1. Landscaping; 2. Retaining walls; 3. Patio; 4. Driveway; 5. Garden path; 6. Pole barn; 7. Horse stalls; 8. RV pad; 9. Crawl space; 10. Under concrete slab. |
Crushed Stones #411 | #57 with stone dust | 1. Retaining walls; 2. RV pad; 3. Under concrete slab; 4. Pole barn; 5. Garden path; 6. Driveway; 7. Paver base. |
Production line solution for crushed stone #1 (size 2 руу 4 inches)
- Vibrating Feeder: SBM GZD Series Vibrating Feeder (Жишээ нь e., GZD850x3000). A vibrating feeder that can feed the stones into the primary crusher consistently and evenly should be used to start the production line.
- Primary Crusher: SBM PE Series Jaw Crusher (Жишээ нь e., PE900x1200) эсвэл SBM CI5X Series Impact Crusher (Жишээ нь e., CI5X1315). To reduce the size of the huge stones, use a jaw crusher or an impact crusher as the main crusher. A variety of jaw crushers and impact crushers from SBM are available for a range of uses and output levels.
- Secondary Crusher: SBM HPT Series Cone Crusher (Жишээ нь e., HPT300) эсвэл SBM PF Series Impact Crusher (Жишээ нь e., PF1315). Use a secondary crusher to further reduce the size of the stones after the main crushing step. Cone crushers or impact crushers are options based on the size and form of the finished product.
- Чичиргээт дэлгэц: SBM YK Series Vibrating Screen (Жишээ нь e., YK1548) эсвэл SBM S5X Series Vibrating Screen (Жишээ нь e., S5X1860). After the secondary crusher, install a vibrating screen to sort the crushed stones into various sizes. To effectively sort and categorize the stones according to their particle size, the vibrating screen may contain many decks.
- Belt Conveyor: SBM B Series Belt Conveyor (Жишээ нь e., B800). Use belt conveyors to move the crushed stones down the manufacturing line from one step to the next. This guarantees a seamless and uninterrupted flow of information.
- Stockpile or Storage Bin: Customizable depending on the specific requirements and capacity.
- Optional Equipment: Additional equipment can be added as per requirements, such as a tertiary crusher or a sand-making machine. Жишээлбэл, SBM VSI цувралын босоо амны цохилтот бутлуур (Жишээ нь e., VSI9526) for sand production.
Төв оффис
Имэйл: [email protected]
Хаяг: Үгүй. 1688, Гаоке зүүн зам, Пудонг шинэ дүүрэг, Шанхай, Хятад.
Вэб сайт: https://www.mill-sbm.com/
Төв оффис
Имэйл: [email protected]
Хаяг: Үгүй. 1688, Гаоке зүүн зам, Пудонг шинэ дүүрэг, Шанхай, Хятад.
Вэб сайт: https://www.mill-sbm.com/
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