

Triturador de carvão para venda

Triturador de carvão para venda

Introduction A coal crusher is a piece of machinery that is used to crush large rocks into gravel, pó de rocha, ou pedras menores. Trituradores são máquinas mecânicas que fraturam materiais como rochas em pedaços menores. Coal crushers are used…

Novo método de britagem e moagem de granito

Granito Matéria Prima

Introduction New method of crushing and grinding granite has emerged, com o potencial de alterar fundamentalmente a indústria. A abordagem inovadora para britagem e moagem de granito envolve a redução da pedra dura a pequenos fragmentos usando equipamentos e procedimentos específicos. This…

Processamento de calcita


SBM provides calcite mining equipment such as jaw crushers, trituradores de impacto, trituradores de cone, e assim por diante. Você também pode fazer uso de nosso equipamento auxiliar, como moinhos de bolas e moinhos de rolos verticais. Introduction Calcite is a mineral that is…

Pebble and Limestone Sand Making Plant

Pebble and Limestone Sand Making Plant

This customer is a large aggregates company and has engaged in concrete mixing industry for many years with strong strength in local area. In order to realize corporate transformation, they contacted SBM and decided to invest in building a high-quality…

Tuff Sand Making Plant

Tuff Sand Making Plant

This project of tuff sand making plant belongs to a large sand making project which is undertaken by SBM. Em 2015, it has been the first environmental demonstration item of 3 million tons of fine aggregates in northwestern China. Project…

Granite Sand Making Plant

Granite Sand Making Plant

This project of granite sand making plant is the first aggregates production item in local market. Its main machine equipment is provided by SBM. The plant mainly produces sand with a production capacity of 450-500 tons per hour (500 tons…