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800 Дробильная установка для туфа TPH

SBM разработала 800 Дробильная установка для туфа TPH для заказчика с полным техническим обслуживанием жизненного цикла, что значительно улучшило общий уровень эксплуатации и технического обслуживания проекта.
Профиль проекта
- Сырье: Туф
- Емкость: 800 tph
- Выходной размер: 0-5-16-26-31.5мм, 0-5-10-16-22мм
- Приложения: Высококачественные агрегаты
- Основное оборудование: Щековая дробилка C6X, Конусная дробилка HPT, Конусная дробилка HST, Пескогенератор VSI6X, Фидер F5X
Project Difficulties
- The local aggregates resources are in short supply.
- Traditional aggregates processing technology cannot meet environmental protection standards.
- Aggregates made by traditional sand making process has poor grain shape and gradation.
Solutions made by SBM
- SBM provides customers with a complete set of program in accordance with the design principles of intelligent, green and modular.
- We adopt dry and wet process, using spray dust suppression system and dust collector to reduce dust in the front stage, and using a sewage treatment system to achieve zero discharge.
- Through the reasonable matching of crushing and sand making equipment, the produced aggregates have excellent particle and reasonable gradation.
- High environmental benefits. The production of the project meets the green mine construction standards, which has good environmental benefits.
- High production efficiency. The capacity of the plant can reach 800 tons an hour. The finished products have been used in the construction of Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway.
- Highly intelligent. The project adopts intelligent loading system to reduce logistics loading costs by 10%-20%; besides, using intelligent centralized control and 80% of operating failures can be resolved remotely.
- Achieved safe production. Through the control of many details, fully keep the life safety of staff.