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Bazı Çeşit Cevher Hammaddeleri ve Mamul Taş Malzemeler

Do you know much about ore raw materials or finished stone materials? There are many kinds of ore materials. We can all use rock crushing equipment or milling equipment to crush them. The resulting finished stone materials of different sizes have different uses. Here, let’s learn more about rock raw materials and stone finished materials. The more you know about them, the more rewarding you will be in the industry.

Rock Crushers

Due to the different uses of finished stones, the processing methods of these ore materials will be different. In the process of processing, the equipment we use will be different. These equipment include rock crusher equipment and stone grinding equipment. Among them, there are differences in the particle size of the product, which will in turn affect the use of the finished stone. We will learn these knowledge together in another article.

Stone Material Crushing

The following are some materials suitable for crushing stone:

Taş İsimleriOre Raw MaterialsCrushed Stone Products
Nehir ÇakıllarıNehir ÇakıllarıShaped River Pebbles
GranitGranitCrushed Granite
AltınAltınCrushed Gold
TüfTüfCrushed Tuff
kireçtaşıkireçtaşıEzilmiş Kireçtaşı
limonitlimonitCrushed Limonite
HematitHematitCrushed Hematite
BazaltBazaltCrushed Basalt

Stone Material Grinding

Here are some stone materials suitable for grinding:

Taş İsimleriOre Raw MaterialGrinding Finished Products
DolomiteDolomiteDolomite Powder
MermerMermerMarble Powder
KalsitKalsitCalcite Powder
GranitGranitGranite Powder
AltınAltınGold Powder
manyezitmanyezitMagnesite Powder
ZincZincZinc Powder
LimeLimeLime Powder
BazaltBazaltBasalt Powder
BaritBaritBarite Powder

Genel Müdürlük


E-posta: satış@mill-sbm.com

Adres: HAYIR. 1688, Gaoke Doğu Yolu, Pudong yeni bölge, Şanghay, Çin.

İnternet sitesi: https://www.mill-sbm.com/

Genel Müdürlük


E-posta: satış@mill-sbm.com

Adres: HAYIR. 1688, Gaoke Doğu Yolu, Pudong yeni bölge, Şanghay, Çin.

İnternet sitesi: https://www.mill-sbm.com/

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