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SCM Ultra İnce Öğütme Değirmeni

SCM Ultra İnce Öğütme Değirmeni yeni bir süper ince tozdur (325-2500 örgü) Öğütme değirmeni üretiminde yılların deneyiminin birikimiyle geliştirilen üretim ekipmanları, İsveç'in ileri makine imalat teknolojisini özümseyen, ve uzun yıllar süren testlerden ve iyileştirmelerden geçiyoruz. The SCM Ultrafine Grinding Mill is the result of combination of advanced Chinese and Swedish technologies. Bu sırada, it symbolizes the new development and new science in the grinding world.
Ürün Özellikleri: Ultrafine powder, wide applications, excellent environmental effect
- Giriş Boyutu: 0-20mm
- Kapasite: 0.5-25TPH
- Malzeme: kireçtaşı, kalsit, dolomit, petrol kömürü, alçıtaşı, barit, mermer, talk, kömür tozu, vesaire.
Higher Yielding, Daha Düşük Enerji Tüketimi
Newly designed grinding curves of grinding roller and grinding ring further enhance the grinding efficiency of SCM Ultrafine Grinding Mill. With the same fineness and power, the production capacity is 40% higher than that of jet grinding mill and stirred grinding mill, and the yield is twice as large as that of ball grinding mill. Fakat, the system energy consumption is only 30% of the jet grinding mill.
Adjustable Fineness Between 325-2500meshes
SCM Ultrafine Grinding Mill’s cage-type powder selector adopts German technologies, which effectively increases the precision of powder separation. Ek olarak, multi-head cage-type powder selector can be configured according to the users’ requirements on yield, fineness and sieving rate. The product fineness can be adjusted between 325-2500 meshes, and the screening rate can achieve d97≤5μm once.
No Rolling Bearing & Screw in Grinding Chamber
There is no rolling bearing and screw inside the chamber of SCM Ultrafine Grinding Mill, so users are free from worries about damages on bearing or its sealing parts, and there is no machine damage problem caused by loose screws. The lubricating device is installed outside of the main shaft, so that lubrication without shutdown can be realized externally, and the production can be continued for 24h.
Dust Removal by Pulse Collector Makes Operation More Eco-friendly
SCM Ultrafine Grinding Mill is equipped with efficient pulse dust collector, so no dust pollution generates during operation of the entire milling system. Silencer and noise elimination room are configured to reduce noises. The production is organized fully according to the national environmental protection standards.
Dijitalleştirilmiş İşleme, Daha Yüksek Hassasiyet
Onlarca satır sayısal kontrollü takım tezgahı var. Çelik levhalar gibi işlemler’ kesme, bükme, planlama, frezeleme ve boya püskürtme işlemlerinin tümü sayısal olarak kontrol edilir. İşleme hassasiyeti yüksektir, özellikle çekirdek parçalar için.
Yeterli Yedek Parça Temini, Sorunsuz Çalışma
SBM, İşletmeleri üretim ve satışı kapsayan, Kendi ürettiğimiz her makinenin sorumluluğunu alır. Sorunsuz çalışmayı sağlamak için müşterilerimize ürünler ve orijinal yedek parçalar hakkında teknik hizmetler sunabiliriz..
Çalışma prensibi
After hammer crushers break large bulky materials to smaller ones, elevator works to send materials to material bin. Sonraki, materials are sent to the grinding mill evenly and they would fall onto the dispersing plate firstly. When the grinding mill runs, dozens of grinding rollers start to rotate and roll. Under the action of centrifugal force, materials on the dispersing plate are then thrown to the rim and drop to the grinding chamber. In the circuit, materials would be squeezed and ground. After being ground several times, materials are blown into the powder selector by airflow. Toz seçicinin pervanesinin etkisi altında, İnceliği sağlayamayan malzemeler tekrar öğütme odasına gönderilerek bir kez daha öğütülecek, nitelikli tozlar ise siklon toz toplayıcı tarafından toplanıp alttan bitmiş ürün olarak boşaltılacaktır.. Some remaining powders would be collected by impulse dust remover and they may stick to the surface of filler-bag. Bu yüzden, next, high-pressure airflow controlled by the impulse valve blows the filler-bag to make it swell and shake violently. This sudden shake can help kick off materials on the filler-bag and collect them as finished products. After filtering, the airflow would be discharged to the air. This system adopts an open circuit and runs under negative pressure.
Ürün parametreleri
Modeli | SCM800 | SCM900 | SCM1000 | SCM1250 | SCM1680 |
Working diameter (mm) | Φ800 | Φ900 | Φ1000 | Φ1250 | Φ1680 |
Max feed size (mm) | ≤20 | ≤20 | ≤20 | ≤20 | ≤20 |
Son boyut (örgü) | 325-2500 | 325-2500 | 325-2500 | 325-2500 | 325-2500 |
Output (kgh) | 500-4500 | 800-6500 | 1000-8500 | 2500-14000 | 5000-25000 |
Modeli | SCM800 | SCM900 | SCM1000 | SCM1250 | SCM1680 | |
Ana motor | Güç | 75 | 45×2 | 132 | 185 | 315 |
Analytical engine (FM motor) | Güç | 18.5 | 18.5 | 30 | 15×4 | 18.5×5 |
Blower motor | Güç | 45 | 55 | 75 | 55×2 | 90×2 |
Kırıcı | Modeli | PC400×600 | PC400×600 | PC400×600 | PC600×800 | PC600×800 |
Güç | 18.5 | 18.5 | 18.5 | 45 | 45 | |
Elevator | Modeli | TH-200 | TH-200 | TH-300 | TH-300 | TH-300 |
Güç | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5.5 | 7.5 | |
Titreşimli besleyici | Modeli | 300×60×1.8 Φ159-1.8 | 300×60×1.8 Φ159-1.8 | 300×60×1.8 Φ159-1.8 | 400×80×2 Φ219-2 | 400×80×2.8 |
Güç | 1.5/3 | 1.5/3 | 1.5/3 | 1.5/3 | 2.2 | |
Discharge screw conveyor | Modeli | LS219-4.5/LS219-3 | LS219-5.8 | LS219-6.9/LS219-5 | LS219-5 | LS273-8.6 |
Güç | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3×2 | 5.5×2 | |
Discharge valve | Modeli | ZJD-200 | ZJD-200 ZJD-250 | ZJD-200 ZJD-250 | ZJD-250 | ZJD-300 ZJD-200 |
Güç | 0.75 | 0.75 + 1.1 | 0.75+ 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.5+0.75 | |
Pulse dust collectors | Modeli | DMC120/DMC16 | DMC16 | LDMC25 | LDMC45 | LDMC400×2 |
Air compressor | Modeli | KSH150D/LG1.5-8 | KSH240D/LG2.4-8 | KSH300D/LG3.6-8 | LG6.2-8 | LG10-8 |
Güç | 11 | 15 | 22 | 37 | 55 |